Loker Law

California Domestic Identity Theft Lawyer

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Domestic Identity Theft

Identity theft in this country is rampant, though we never expect it to happen within the walls of our own homes. Unfortunately, many couples, both married and not, find that their significant other has spent their funds without their permission, and if you are one of them, you should consider speaking with our California domestic identity theft lawyer today. Contact Loker Law, APC.

California Domestic Identity Theft Lawyer

Domestic identity theft can come in many forms, but the most common is the unauthorized use of one spouse’s credit card. For example, if someone holds a credit card in their name and their spouse used their credit card to purchase a new car or another significant asset without their spouse’s permission, it can technically be defined as identity theft. In some cases, spouses or significant others will purchase or squander certain assets without their partner’s knowledge, only for it all to come out when they finally break up or divorce.

Common Types of Domestic Identity Theft

Aside from the unauthorized use of one spouse’s or partner’s credit card, there are various other actions that may be considered a form of domestic financial abuse, and, they are, therefore, illegal. Some of those are as follows:

  • Hiding certain assets
  • Hiding unpaid bills
  • Engaging in significant unauthorized financial transactions
  • Stealing a Social Security number
  • Using personal information to stalk or harass a spouse
  • Forcing a spouse to open up a credit card account, then maxing out the account and destroying their credit

Unfortunately, these are just some of the ways in which domestic identity theft can present itself. If you believe you are a victim, you need to act now.

What to Do if You Are a Victim of Domestic Identity Theft

Depending on the way in which your identity was stolen or your funds were misappropriated, you have a wide array of options. For example, if the theft involves a credit account, you should report it to your credit agency at once and dispute any charges made in writing timely. You should also speak with the three main credit reporting agencies at once (Experian, Equifax & TransUnion) and notify them of the fraud so your credit score isn’t negatively impacted. If credit reporting bureaus don’t accept your claim or don’t take appropriate action, you have a right to dispute any inaccuracies on your credit report under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Our firm can help you do so.

You should also note that if your spouse or significant other used your debit card to make an unauthorized withdrawal or purchase, you have options as well. To start, you must report the withdrawal or purchase within two days of it occurring to the bank issuer (if you can, report it the second you find out). Once you report the incident, your bank will be required to investigate it under the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, and as long as your claim of fraud is confirmed, they should return all funds to your account.

If you have any other questions or you believe your spouse or partner has made you the victim of any other type of fraud, please do not hesitate to speak with our California identity theft victim lawyer at once.

Contact a California Domestic Identity Theft Lawyer

If your spouse or significant other has taken advantage of your finances, our firm is here to help you fight for the positive outcome you deserve. We are on your side, we have a deep understanding of the laws surrounding fraud in the U.S., and we are ready to put that knowledge to work for you. Contact Loker Law, APC today to schedule your free initial consultation with our firm.

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