Loker Law

Who Is Most At Risk for Identity Theft in California?

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It’s no secret that anyone can be a victim of identity theft. However, some groups have factors that make them more at risk for identity theft compared to others. As such, understanding whether or not you are an increased risk is critical to taking the necessary steps to protect yourself.  Keep reading to discover what you must know about these complicated matters and why connecting with a California identity theft lawyer is crucial if you have reason to believe your identity was compromised.

What Groups Are At Risk for Identity Theft?

Unfortunately, identity thieves commonly target vulnerable members of society, with the elderly often victimized. In many cases, older adults are ideal victims as they tend to have great credit scores and are no longer applying for loans, meaning they do not check their credit reports often, so the theft can go unnoticed for periods. Additionally, the elderly are more vulnerable to phishing scams and other fraudulent matters that can compromise identities.

Another group often victimized in these matters is children. Unfortunately, parents often don’t check their children’s credit scores until they begin applying for loans. However, children are often targeted because they have no credit history and again, they won’t be checking their credit report for years.

Finally, those with a substantial social media presence are more likely to be targeted as they have more information about themselves readily available to thieves. Theives can easily find your sensitive information, like date of birth, full name, email address, and even your employment records from your online presence.

How Can Those at an Increased Risk Protect Themselves?

If you are at an increased risk of identity theft, it’s in your best interest to take the necessary steps to protect yourself. Generally, the best thing you can do if you are an older adult or parent to a young child is place a credit freeze on your or your child’s report. This completely blocks creditors and others from accessing the report, meaning they will be unable to open accounts in your name. A credit freeze is more secure than a fraud alert and offers a more long-term solution for those who do not need to access their credit.

Social media users can protect themselves by securing their online accounts. This means making your profiles private so only those you accept can follow and access your accounts. Additionally, you should only accept those you personally know to your accounts to reduce the risk of scammers seeing your information.

At Loker Law, our team understands how upsetting it can be to find that your identity has been compromised. As such, we can help you fight to repair your credit and take your identity back from thieves. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can assist you during these complicated matters.

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