Loker Law

What Credit Report Errors Should I Look For?

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Credit reports can be at least twenty pages long and full of dense, confusing text. This means spotting an error isn’t always easy, as you may have to scour the document. However, knowing what to look for can help you find mistakes to keep your credit score clean. If you’re having trouble with credit report errors affecting your score, you’ll need the assistance of a California attorney who understands how to navigate inaccurate account information disputes.

What Are the Most Common Credit Report Errors?

Unfortunately, there are a number of errors that can impact your credit score. Recognizing them is crucial to preventing and remedying any subsequent issues you may face with your credit score.

The first area you may notice a mistake is with accounts that do not belong to you. While this could be a sign of identity theft, it could also be an error on behalf of the reporting company. If there is an account listed on your report that you never opened, it can impact your credit score.

Another area you can find errors in is mistakes about your personal information or account reporting inaccuracies. For example, spelling your name incorrectly, listing the wrong social security number or birthday, and listing you as a felon can impact your credit score. Similarly, listing incorrect account balances or incorrect payment dates can play a major part in affecting your credit score.

What Should I Do if I Notice a Mistake?

While a minor error may not seem like a big deal, it can impact your credit score drastically. For example, if you receive a credit report that indicates an account you’ve closed is still open, remedying that mistake is vital.

You should mail a letter with proof of the error to the reporting company within 30 days. They should be able to remedy the mistake. If there are any fines or fees associated with their error, they should provide reimbursement since it was an error on their part.

Can an Attorney Help Me Fix the Problem?

Though disputing an error on a credit report should be as simple as providing the company proof of their mistake, it’s unfortunately not always that simple. Some reporting bureaus will ignore or deny your request, making it impossible to get the error fixed.

If you’re chasing down the company to remedy its error, you shouldn’t hesitate to involve an attorney. Your credit score has numerous impacts on different areas of your life, so ensuring it’s correct is vital.

At Loker Law, we understand how crucial your credit score is. When a company makes an error, you shouldn’t suffer because of their mistake. Our firm will do everything possible to fight to get any errors or discrepancies on your credit report fixed to ensure your financial future is secure.

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