Loker Law

What Are Signs My Identity Has Been Compromised?

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If you’re like most people, you may not think twice before throwing out mail or deleting emails that you believe don’t pertain to you. However, it’s important to ensure that what you believe is junk mail isn’t actually a sign that your identity may be at risk. As such, it’s in your best interest to keep reading to learn the common signs that your identity has been compromised so you can act quickly to mitigate potential damages. The following blog explores what you should know about these matters and why it’s crucial to connect with a California identity theft victim lawyer if you have reason to believe your information was stolen.

How Will I Know If My Identity Was Compromised?

Understanding the signs that you may be a victim of identity theft is critical. Unfortunately, there is no alert you can receive to inform you that you’re at risk; you must remain vigilant.

Generally, the first thing you can check to see if your identity has been stolen is your credit report. If you see any new accounts, debts, or loans taken out that you did not authorize, it likely indicates identity theft. Luckily, you can request one free report from each of the reporting agencies annually, allowing you to check your credit once every four months.

Another sign that something is amiss, as mentioned, is suddenly receiving strange mail, emails, and phone calls regarding debts you owe or bills for purchases you never authorized. Though you may be inclined to believe this is a mix-up from the post office or a scam, it could indicate that your identity has been compromised.

Finally, being denied loans, having your tax return rejected, or running out of healthcare benefits can also indicate that someone is using your identity.

What Can I Do if I’m At Risk?

If you have reason to believe that you are at risk of identity theft, it’s important to understand what you can do to minimize damages. Generally, the most important thing you can do is to request a credit freeze. This will make it impossible for creditors to open accounts in your name, as they will be unable to access your information. If you are in the middle of actively applying for legitimate loans, you may choose to place a fraud alert on your account instead, which will require creditors to confirm your identity before moving forward.

Next, you’ll want to inform your financial institutions and file a claim for unauthorized activity on your account. This can help you minimize the damage to your financial accounts and reclaim some of the money taken from you.

Finally, you’ll want to connect with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you may find that trying to have incorrect information removed from your account can be a complex, frustrating process. However, working with a consumer attorney from Loker Law can help you navigate this process to fight for a favorable outcome. Connect with our team today to learn how we can help you through these times.

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